About us

Kelly Family Games is a family owned and operated business seeking to bring the family together around fun games. Brian and Kim and their 7 kids create the game ideas, draw the artwork, and manage the production of their games. We started producing our first game in 2017.

Our Story

One day we were sitting in a Dr's office while one of the family had an appointment. Brian was sitting with Peter, who was quite young, trying to entertain him through the wait. They started drawing space ships on a sheet of paper, and pretended to be blasting each other with lasers and missles. That fun little distraction grew and grew into the idea of our first game, Fractured, centered around a rich storyline. The ships grew in detail from that first sketch, and the weapons and technology multiplied in to an epic Sci-Fi card game.

We are a family who loves to play games together, and so we also started working on ideas for other games suited to the varying ages and interests of the family. Those games are in various stages of development, and will be coming to the Kelly Family Games Game Closet very soon.

We hope that you and your family will enjoy our creations as much as we have enjoyed making them and playing them ourselves.

Where We DON'T play games...

We know how marketing works today. Lots of companies you buy from are trying to win by practicing what is called "Price Discrimination" or "Dynamic Pricing" if they want to sound more fair.

Have you ever been shopping for an item online, and the next day its price is different, for seemingly no reason? Then, if you look at the same item on someone else's phone or computer and the price is magically what you saw it for the day before? Or as another example, when you put a product in your cart and leave it there for a day. Tomorrow, the company emails you a discount, asking you to complete your purchase. You use the discount code they gave you and save a little money. Pretty smooth, huh? Well, no, not really. This is Price Discrimination.

Price discrimination is the practice whereby a seller offers their products and services based on what they believe they can get from the buyer. Rarely is this strategy tied to market conditions, cost of materials, etc. They have one goal: Get as much money from you as possible.

Well, isn't that what every company does? We certainly hope not! In Luke 10:7 God says, "the laborer is worthy of his wages." The money you make, whether for labor or for selling a product, should be in proportion to what you accomplish and for the value it brings to the people you are serving.

We don't believe you can build a case that God is okay with us charging a price with no regard to the value being brought to your customers. Matthew 7:2 says, "With the measure you use, it will be measured to you." We don't thing any of us likes feeling cheating on a purchase.

We are also told in Proverbs 11:1, "A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is his delight." We believe the value of our products should be applied to everyone equally.

What does this mean for you?

We want everyone to know that, while we are making and playing our games, we are not playing games with God's principles for business. If you see a price on our website, there is no underhanded tactic that you have to know to get a lower price. The price we list is the price we believe is fair. We won't sell a game to you at one price, and then to the next person for totally different price. If you add some items to your cart, and abandon the cart, we won't send you a bothersome email hoping to get you to come back. If we offer pointless discounts to everyone who abandoned a cart, we'd have to raise our price to cover them. Have you ever seen a store which offers huge sales all the time? Doesn't that make you think that their regular price is much too high, then? If the sale price is the fair price, then the regular price is a cheat. We take the production cost of our games and add a modest margin (for the board game industry) to cover overhead, to make a profit, and to research and develop new games for you!

If a game is more than you think you should pay, firstly, we would love your feedback. Please write to us! Click on the Contact Us here or the button at the bottome of this page, email us at customerservice@kellyfamilygames.com

Secondly, we are not against discounting, nor do we think discounting is unfair or wrong. We are only against discounts the you only give to certain individuals who know how to work the system. On the other hand, we love discounts that are open and honest, and that everyone knows exist. So here are some areas where we do offer discounts that you may be able to take advantage of.

Our Discounts

Wholesale Discounts

If you are a retailer interested in selling our games in your store, we do offer wholesale discounts based on quantity. Contact Us or email if you are interested!

Bulk Sales

If you want to order a bunch of games for...well, anything, we do offer bulk discounts for purchases of 20 games or more. They do not have to be the same game. Feel free to mix and match. Think Christmas presents, or birthdays! Email us at customerservice@kellyfamilygames.com.

Mammoth Nation

If you have a Mammoth Nation membership, you can get a 10% discount by visiting our page there.

If you don't have a Mammoth Nation membership, or perhaps you have never heard of them, we encourage you to check them out. They advertise as America's Conservative Marketplace, a curated list of pro-American companies and causes.


We occassionally have a vendor booth at a convention. If you catch us at one of those, you can make a purchase without having to pay for shipping!

Hidden Website Discounts

We love to play games! So, as a fun way to encourage you to look around our website, we occassionally hide a discount code somewhere on the site. You have to be clever to find these. Its not an easy game to win, but when you find it, you'll be happy you did! So click on images, scroll up and down, look all over. And have fun.

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